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Hair Transplant After Care

FaviconWritten by Editorial Team TecnifueLast Updated January 28, 2024

Hair transplant surgery can be life-changing, restoring confidence and a youthful appearance.


But the journey doesn't end when you leave the operation room. Proper aftercare is essential to achieving the best possible results. 


We have crafted this guide to help you understand what to expect after your hair transplant and how to care for your new hair.

Whether you filled a receding hairline or hid a baby face behind a mature beard, the transplant process is only the beginning.


You need to follow your doctor's after care instructions carefully.


Doing so ensures proper healing and improves the success rate of the procedure.


Note that the FUT procedure requires more advanced wound care and can lead to more complications, which is why we do not provide FUT procedures at TecniFUE.


Consequently, these are general guidelines for patients who choose FUE and DHI implants at our clinic.

What To Expect After Surgery

Your doctor will explain what you can expect in the first days after surgery and the following months.


Listen closely to determine what lifestyle changes you may need to make for the first three or so months.


Day 1 to 15

You may experience irritation in the transplant area during the first two weeks, but these symptoms should resolve themselves within the first week. Redness may persist in the affected areas, but this should also go away by the end of the 15th day.


Day 16 to 30

After about three weeks, you may experience hair loss from the transplant area. This is normal. It occurs because hair follicles often enter a sleep phase after implantation, but the hair will grow again.


Day 31 to 90

You will start to see progress in hair growth after a month. The transplanted hair will slowly begin to grow. While the strands may appear thin at first, they will become thicker over time. You should achieve full results in 18 months.

General Hair Transplant After Care

Speak to your doctor if you have specific concerns about how the after care process might affect your lifestyle or health conditions. Here are some general tips to keep in mind.


Exercise and Activities

You might wonder, “When can I exercise after a hair transplant?”


You may need to wait up to four weeks before engaging in intense exercise. For three weeks, you should avoid saunas, pools, the sea and sunbathing.


Wound Care

Your doctor will bandage your head before you leave the operating room.


You can typically remove this after a day. You may notice some bleeding from the affected areas for the first few days up to a week.


Avoid covering the head. Apply any products provided.



Your recommended sleeping position may differ based on the areas of your head affected by surgery.


You may need to change your typical routine for the first few days.


For example, you should sleep in a slightly upright position for the first three days. Your surgeon will recommend potential sleeping positions.



You may experience irritation, tenderness and pain for the first few days, but be careful about the medications you choose.


Avoid aspirin or blood thinners. Take the medications that our team provides or recommends.


These might include supplements, such as zinc, iron and B-complex vitamins.


Hair Care

Patients often ask about washing instructions after a hair transplant.


Our team provides special lotions and shampoos you need to use for 15 days, beginning on the third day after your surgery.

Immediate Post-Operation Care

Dressing and Bandaging

After the procedure, your scalp will be dressed and bandaged to protect the newly transplanted hair.


These dressings should stay as your surgeon advises, usually for a day or two. Follow the professional instructions for removal to prevent any damage to the grafts.


Medication and Pain Management

Some discomfort and pain are expected after the surgery.


Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to ease any discomfort.


Take the medicine as directed and consult your healthcare provider for any concerns or side effects.


Sleeping Positions

Maintaining the proper sleeping position is crucial.


Typically, sleeping with your head elevated for the first few nights is recommended to minimize swelling.


Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines tailored to your particular procedure.


First, Wash and Cleaning

The first wash is a delicate process usually done a few days post-surgery.

Using gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and following the specific cleaning method given by the professionals at Tecnifue Hair Clinic will ensure proper care of the grafts.


Infection Prevention

Recognizing Signs of Infection


Watch for redness, swelling, continuous pain, or discharge, as these may be signs of infection.


Early detection is vital, so don't hesitate to contact your healthcare provider if you notice anything unusual.


Proper Cleaning Techniques

Regular cleaning, as advised by your surgeon, helps in preventing infections.


Follow their specific instructions using prescribed or recommended products.


Antibiotics and Other Medications

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.

Take the complete course as directed, even if you feel fine.


When to Seek Medical Help

Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you suspect an infection or experience unexpected symptoms.

Prompt action can prevent complications.


Swelling and Bruising Management

Methods to Reduce Swelling


Gentle cold compresses and anti-inflammatory medications, as prescribed, can alleviate swelling.


Avoid any direct pressure on the treated area.


Dealing with Bruising

Bruising may occur but typically fades within a week or two.


Follow your doctor's advice on managing and concealing any discoloration.


Time Frame for Recovery

Full recovery might take some time.


Be patient and follow your post-operation guidelines to enjoy optimal results.

Hair Wash and Styling

Appropriate Shampoos and Conditioners

Choosing the right products is crucial in nurturing your newly transplanted hair.


Look for shampoos and conditioners that are sulfate-free and formulated for sensitive scalps.


Your surgeon or the team at Tecnifue Hair Clinic may recommend specific brands best suited for your needs.


Hair Washing Techniques

Gentle handling is essential during the early stages of recovery.


Avoid scrubbing or rubbing the treated area. Instead, pat softly with your fingers using lukewarm water.


Following the detailed washing instructions provided by the clinic will preserve the integrity of your transplant.


Styling and Hair Products to Avoid

Avoid styling products containing alcohol or harsh chemicals during the first few weeks.


Also, steer clear of heat-styling tools that could damage the new grafts.


Please consult your hair care professional at Tecnifue Hair Clinic to know when it's safe to return to your regular styling routine.

Physical Activities and Lifestyle

Exercise Guidelines

While staying active is essential, you must refrain from strenuous exercises that may cause sweating or strain in the treated area. Light walking is often encouraged, but consult your doctor about when to resume your exercise routine.


Sun Exposure

Protect the treated area from direct sun exposure for the first few weeks.


Wearing a soft hat or umbrella can provide adequate protection if you need to be outdoors.


Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet promotes overall well-being and aids in your hair recovery.


Focus on nutrients that support hair health, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Alcohol and Smoking Restrictions

Alcohol and smoking can hinder healing.


Follow the guidelines provided by your healthcare provider about avoiding or limiting these substances during your recovery.

Emotional and Psychological Considerations

Managing Expectations

Understand that results take time.


Stay patient and communicate openly with your healthcare team about any concerns.


Dealing with Temporary Shedding

Don't be alarmed if some newly transplanted hair sheds within the first few weeks.


This is a normal part of the process, and the hair will grow back stronger.


Support Systems and Counseling Options

Emotional support from friends, family, or professional counseling can be helpful during recovery.


If you experience anxiety or depression, don't hesitate to seek professional assistance.

Long-term Care and Maintenance

Regular Check-ups

Monitoring your progress with regular check-ups at Tecnifue Hair Clinic will ensure everything is on track and allow for timely interventions if needed.


Monitoring Hair Growth

Keep an eye on your hair growth and communicate with your clinic if you notice anything unusual.


Ongoing Scalp Care

Adhering to recommended scalp care practices will contribute to the long-term success of your transplant.


Touch-up Procedures, if Needed

Sometimes, additional procedures may be necessary to achieve the desired density or coverage. Discuss these options with your hair restoration expert.


Your Path to Renewed Confidence Starts Here

Your hair transplant is a significant investment in yourself.


By following these guidelines and partnering with the expert team at Tecnifue Hair Clinic, you're setting the stage for success.


From immediate post-op care to long-term maintenance, every step is crucial, and we're here to guide you through it.

Avoiding Common Mistakes and Myths

Common Misconceptions About Recovery

There's a lot of misinformation about hair transplant recovery.


Some might believe that results are immediate or that everyday hair care routines can be resumed immediately.


It's crucial to rely on expert guidance from professionals like the team at Tecnifue Hair Clinic to separate facts from myths.


Mistakes to Avoid in Aftercare

Avoiding simple mistakes, such as picking at scabs or exposing the scalp to direct sunlight, can make a big difference in your recovery.


Following your surgeon's aftercare instructions to the letter will ensure your transplant heals appropriately.


Trusted Sources of Information

Consult with the medical team at Tecnifue Hair Clinic or other credible sources.


Relying on hearsay or unverified online information can lead to misconceptions and errors in aftercare.


Hair Transplant Aftercare Products

Recommended Products for Scalp Health

Quality shampoos, conditioners, and lotions for sensitive skin can aid recovery.


Your medical team may recommend specific brands or products.

Over-the-Counter Solutions

While some over-the-counter products may be beneficial, consult your clinic before incorporating them into your aftercare routine.

Follow-Up Appointments 

Scheduling Regular Follow-ups

Consistent follow-up appointments allow your medical team to monitor your progress and catch any potential issues early.


What to Report to Your Surgeon

Keep your surgeon informed about any discomfort, abnormalities, or concerns.


Prompt reporting enables immediate action if needed.


Building an Open Communication Line

Open and honest communication with the team at Tecnifue Hair Clinic will foster a trustful relationship and help you achieve the best possible results.


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